Men's Stories for a Change

Men’s Stories for a Change

Although these days I spend more of my time writing fiction, my various published writings to date have been  more academic in nature, consisting mostly of articles for journals, but also book chapters, and these mostly to do with critical studies in men and masculinity and psychosocial methodologies.

Men’s Stories for a Change was a collaborative project that arose out of the Ageing Men’s Memory Work Group which ran for fifteen years, here in the East  Midlands, from 2000. The project drew upon the memory work techniques pioneered by Frigga Haug et al (1986), in this case with the aim of exploring and making better sense of men’s lives as they age and strive to adapt and change in an increasingly egalitarian and non-sexist cultural climate.

While this book taps into a variety of theoretical perspectives, my own personal approach draws much more on the psychosocial with a critical realist base and I welcome discussion with others who may themselves be interested in this subject and this approach.

Several journal articles and a book chapter have followed on from the work we did here and a further collaborative book on aging men is currently being prepared. The author welcomes contact from others who might wish to discuss his work further.